Friday, 18 September 2015

Week 8: Playing with Makey-Makey & Twister Inpirations

We've started playing with Makey-Makey this week. You can come up with some cool physical interactions with Makey-Makey.

As I am thinking about the best way to come up with a prototype for my Maths game - digging into Twister inspirations done using Makey Makey is really handy. 

Here is an example:

Image Source: Makey Makey Mash Up 

Here is another cool one - with images/instructions on how to use it (like feet allowed :-) 
When building mine - I probably will come up with some instructions as well. I bet it'll be more fun to test it :-) 

I might even come up with my own theme/style for it :-) 

I am excited about this prototype :-) Mainly because finally I'll manage to come up with something decent and lack of skills in coding/ActionScript/editing a video will not be a constraint. Excited to come up with something great and fun :-) 

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