Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Prototype 3: Physical Prototype

Physical prototype for game MathsFun fully simulates the game. MathsFun is an interactive game that makes it fun for kids to learn basic Maths skills. The concept of the game did not change and is available in this post.  To make the prototype interactive and fun to use in the physical world - voiceover was added. Thus, the physical input prototype provides a complete sensory experience for users in real life context.

#1 Hypothesis to Test:
Kids play at least 3+ game sets (maths questions of 10).
How much time kids spend playing the game is a direct indicator of game quality. If users "stick" to the game and return to play it later - the game is successful and user experience is engaging. Since the prototype is close to the final version of the game - this is the crucial hypothesis to be tested that makes or breaks the game.

#2 Observations: 
This time I'll be observing users to test: size of numbers, size of circles, quality of voice over to notice any design issues that need fixing. Since the prototype is "high fidelity" - it's not the time to pay attention to design details. To collect this data - I'll be using Google Survey with open questions and just regular observations and making notes.

Game survey is available here.

Makey-Makey Inputs Structure
When a user types W - in fact - it means 0. Change from numbers to letters is necessary to make the prototype work with Makey-Makey.

Here is the basic input structure to make it work on Makey-Makey:
W -> 0
A - > 1
S ->  2
D -> 3
F -> 4
G -> 5
Up -> 6
Down -> 7
Left -> 8
Right -> 9 

Rules for voice recordings and changes in ActionScript: 
1. Play Greeting, if a user didn't step on 1 and "connect" buttons - play Greeting Wait
2. Wrong Answer - Play On no!, then - NoNoNo, then - No!
3. Correct Answer - Play Oh yes!, then - Yes!, then - Well done
4. Once a set of questions is finished - offer to Play again
5. Each Maths problem has a voiceover - to make the game more interactive.

File saving has been removed from the game, since it was used to test hypothesis in the ActionScript version of prototype.

Updated Class Diagram was generated using Crocus Modeller.

Putting It All Together

Makey-Makey Contact Prototype Versions

While coming up with the most effective solution for connecting numbers with Makey-Makey - I did 2 additional prototype versions.

Sensor Button

Membrane Button

I decided to stick to a version of Membrane button - since testing prototype barefooted would be ineffective.

Materials Used 
- cardboard - foil- wires- glue :-) - Makey-Makey

Final Look & Feel

Testing Process
1. Invite participants to test the game.
2. Give background information: the game is for kids to help them learn Maths.
3. Ask them to start the game and play 1 round. Observe participants and take notes.
4. Ask if they would like to play more. 
5. If yes - see point 3.
6. If no - ask to fill out a survey on Google Docs.

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