Today in the lecture - we discussed the different ways to approach and view prototypes.
One of the ways to segment/approach prototyping:
- Exploratory prototypes
- Experimental prototypes
- Operational prototypes
The good questions to ask when coming up with a prototype:
- What is it that I am trying to test? Which of the prototypes fits best?
- What are the functional components?
- What components are relevant to driving behaviour?
- What are the interactions of those components with the driver when driving?
- What would you test?
- How would you test?
- What goal is implied by these specific questions & are there other goals?
- Does it function the way expected?
- Can I access everything I need?
Next, we discussed the ways to view driver's dashboard and tried to redesign 1 component in driving experiences.
Functional components of a driver's dashboard:
- - steering wheel
- - speedometer
- - breaks
- - dashboard
- - radio control
- - heating
- - air conditioning
- - seatbelts
- - gear shifting control
- - GPS
- - seat control
- - window controls
- - door locks
- - side mirrors
- - light controls
- - secondary volume controls
- - secondary radio controls
- - engine read out:
- - tackover
- - widnshield/windstream wipers
- - emergency indicators
- - gas indicators
- - catch release
- - speed travelled
- - seat heating
- - child locks
- - lock controls for every door
- - beep - horn :-)
- - parking assistance
- - key
- - accelerator
- - seat belt
- - sun protectors
Next, the idea our team came up with:
Replacing a steering wheel with a a gesture based ring.
When you come close to the car - it starts.
When you are wearing the ring - it
How to prototype and test the idea:
Riskiest assumption: Test that the gestures are natural and fit human behavior.
Elements of a prototype:
1. Ring
2. Instructions: do this / do that (common things) - Audio recording with instructions.
3. Come up with a list of people:
- experienced/ not experienced/ non drivers
4. Does our list of gestures fit human behavior?
Peter added a few other ideas our team should also consider:
- What are non-driving gestures ? So that it doesn’t break the system.
- Do drivers panic?
Image credit: Kosala Bondara via Flickr
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